Sunday, November 27, 2005


that last post was an article i wrote for our coll mag bout a year ago. for some reason i like it more than most of my other ones. maybe coz the topic is kinda close to my heart. ve never believed in religion...or the current versions of it...much to the dissappointment of my parents. but then, thats not the only area where i dissappointed them so..well, lets not talk that.
it's weird right? we re, as a species, such confused entities. our whole happy existance is a bunch of theories. we really are not too sure where we came from...but yes it has to be with a big bang. we as humans dont really believe in a quiet start, do we? n then theory of evolution...blah. but then, they are just that...theories, possibilities, or probabilities. nothing concrete. heck we dont even know if we actaually exist!(wats with quantum physics, n some particle theory, n other big compliacted words that i dont understand)
i find all this pride in the scientific advancement that we re supposed to have made a wee bit pretensious. what have we found really? where are we headed?science is a tricky affair. the more we discover, the more remains hidden. it inspires, it holds us in awe. n it makes us realise, waht a bunch of insignificant dunces we are really.
but its fun being dunces, dont u think. being like this lost kid, in this HUGE magical jungle, where there are no straight roads...only mazes. we'll never know what lies benyond the turning...untill we get there. n thats the beauty of existance. thats what we live.
dunno, was feeling confused. so thought will put it i'm even more lost.
ms. knw it all said: dont fasten ur seatbelts. its more fun if u fall.


Anu said...

nice article but i liked ur miscomm better... at one EDITED part it involved me so.... hhehe

Anu said...

nice article but i liked ur miscomm better... at one EDITED part it involved me so.... hhehe

crumbs said...

tsu, hmmm...maybe i'll put that up one of these days, the unedited version that that our dear chief ed is busy "ponderering"(pun intended!!) over more imp things, guess we can safely get away with it.i'll make u famous yet buddy! ;)