While endlessly wandering in the back alleys of the Internet, I stumbled upon this picture today. And just like that, I wanted to write. Not particularly about the picture, not particularly about the over dramatic futility of it, not particularly about anything. Just write. You know, scribble words, then see if they can stick around to become a sentence, and then see where that takes me.
It took me till a second paragraph, the question, as always, is what now?
What now? Move ahead! Move on... let the words flow more...
or let the pauses fill up the sentences and the music, the silence
It is such a sad image. :(
i dont like the picture. too american. but i like the write-up :)
the picture saddens medusa.
Its a very evocative picture.
seriously..the picture has a poetic beauty!!
Good question but doesn't that always lead you to a third and then a fourth. I think once you get to that question you are safe...but what if like me you haven't gotten to that question in a long time?
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