Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Good, The Nasty and The Funny

* I wrote this on Monday, Just never got a chance to upload it. Sigh!And noone believes me when I say I am busy *

Monday morning, and I am already cheesed off. What a great way to start your week.
As with every Monday morning, I wake up late. My body refuses to move out of the cosy bed, and my brain, refuses to do anything to help, it doesn’t even register a small protest. In fact, it actively collaborates with my brain saying, “Ah my pretty, you can rest a while more, let moontalk be screwed. Now when my mind, and my body gang up against the poor old me, what do I do than give up?

Which means, as with every Monday morning, I take a rick instead of a bus. What better way to begin a week than to over-spend? (Shit I need to manage my money better)

I reach the happy place that is my office, today this big exclusive is supposed to go live. I read through the story, and there’s this tiny line inserted which I didn’t find when I last saved the story on Friday eve, no night, because it was 9.15 p.m when I left. Speaking to our ed-in-chief, Mr. X, of the company Y, said…” Now let me give you some background information on this. I did the research. I made the friggin questionnaire, I wrote the goddamn story. Yes, the chief-in-ed, did speak to him. Asked him all the questions that I bloody gave to him. And his happy name comes in print. Usually we have a no by-line policy with most of the stuff that we write. And I am cool with that. So the story as I wrote read, “When Mr.X, of company Y, spoke to the us….”. But now that’s changed. Technically, it’s true. If u call up our dear X, he’d probably testify. But why is a little voice in my head saying, “@&*$ them?”

* * * *

I take a dekho at the colophon for the next issue of the mag, and guess who the new Assistant Editor is? Yep, yours truly. Ah well! So I get a name, and a promotion, what if it’s just on paper, and doesn’t really mean anything. One should appreciate the small mercies in life, right?

* * * *

We went and saw The Departed on Saturday. After a loooooong time, a movie made me go “WOW”. And that’s all I will say!

P.S: I also saw, The Shawshank Redemption on Friday (yeah, yeah, yeah, believe it. I had NOT seen the movie till now. Shame, I know). Another really “WOW” movie. (Now I still stand by what I said about The Departed, because The Shawshank Redemption released way back, it’s my fault that I never saw it, right?) Its feel good, without being sloppy or mushy, or romantic (now we don’t have too many of those around do we?). It leaves you with a warm happy feeling in your tummy, and makes you feel like there is hope for this world yet. Maybe I should watch it again today. Hmmmmm….

* * * *

Time: Evening- 7ish
Day: Saturday
Random scene on Brigade Road:

Two ‘dudes’ standing on the side-walk in front of Mota Arcade(think that’s what it is called). One of the flower kids trying the best of his salesman skills. (There is this bunch of very enterprising street kids who haunt Brigade-MG road stretch, selling flowers. I say haunt, because they are every guy’s nightmare- here they are trying to pataofy this gal they have been trying to pataofy for the last 3 weeks, and here comes the kid, “Bhaiya phool le lo na bahiya, didi ke liye le lo, dekho usse chahiye, aapko leke dena chahiye…” and so on, till the guy is the most glorious colour of pink and the gal can’t stop giggling. There goes all the romantic, but oh-so-smart lines he had rehearsed with his friends. Anyways, I digress). So the overheard part of the conversation:

Dude* in a very desolated voice, with full emotion on face *: Arrey, aap mujhe ye bataiye, mein doon kisko???(You tell me, whom do I give it to???)

(I really did laugh out loud, and that guy went the brightesht shade of pink, anyway!)


Sh'shank said...

Who doesn't believe you aren't busy?
COngrats for the promotion.
I have been in that situation several times and have bought them girl or no girl around.
And you can laugh out aloud...
cause it isn't the easiest task to carry those particular flowers in NCC uniform with no one to give them too.
Riya ridhi enjoyed dismanateling them though...
Don't know about departed but Shawshank Redemption was utterly fantastic. Saw it with Beej and Shree so was even better

Anu said...

oh my my!!! poor guys! their misery in life... kiskho doon! thats why they catch gals and dump it on them!!! (mood give away) but hilarious... and worth a laugh!

Sreejith Narayanan said...

monday morning.. scary for youths who work.. not for me :P (Dont think I am workaholic, and work lover, for us, sunday is working, the only holiday comes on a thursday). So, ur monday morning feeling happens to me on friday mornings ;)

How can u laugh at those poor, underprivileged souls?

I pity them :(

crumbs said...

@ pricky
n hey dude, u had 2 VERY charming ladies to give flowers to, even if they prefered dismanteling them- honestly, roses are not my fav either!

tee hee to u too!but man, that expressing was class!
@ sree
hey!i tot u'd retired from blogosphere.good to see u again mate!looks like ur work place is slightly more 'happier' than mine

yep, i'm sure u understand dude, the "been there, said that" feeling?:P