Monday, February 19, 2007

"Some people are so full of themselves that there is no place for anyone else in their hearts"

No great woman said this. I did. Something that occurred to me when I read a comment that a fellow kid put up on a friend's blog. Stuff such people man, they make me feel suffocated when I'm around them. What a way to begin your week!


Sh'shank said...

hey me scared u angry and pissed...
but who isnt full of them self but digressing
in a research it has been found that if u drink a litre of water each day you consume a kilo of poop...
and that is cause of the a bacteria in feaces...
and intrestingly alcohol doesnt have that bacteria
so you could as well drink booze and talk shit than drink water and be full of shit...
thought should bring to everyones attention who is a water drinker...

Oh and for cryin out a loud
the word verification

crumbs said...

ermmm prick, so between u and me, who is the water drinker??? :P

n no, i'm not angry and pissed really, just another thing reacting...bit too strongly perhaps.but well, when have i not??

and i'm telling you word verific will one day plan an attack to destroy the humankind. its terminator all over again. sigh!

crumbs said...

ermmm prick, so between u and me, who is the water drinker??? :P

n no, i'm not angry and pissed really, just another thing reacting...bit too strongly perhaps.but well, when have i not??

and i'm telling you word verific will one day plan an attack to destroy the humankind. its terminator all over again. sigh!